Ten years ago I wanted to start a blog but had no idea how to blog or even really what a blog was.
Enter Don at Panera Bread.
Don was this friendly, older guy whom I had met back in my “early days” when Panera Bread was my office and I had more breadsticks than clients. Don seemed to know everyone, had a mile-long Rolodex, and loved connecting people.
I told Don I needed someone to help me start a blog.
“Oh, I have just the person for you! His name is Fritz. Here’s his number.”
Does he teach people how to blog?
“He’s done pretty much everything. Just call him.”
So Fritz was quite the renaissance man. He’d traveled to over 21 countries as a photojournalist, produced documentaries, and seen a lot of life. My call found him living on a farm somewhere cold, raising chickens, riding a tractor, and being the kind person willing to answer a call from a total stranger.
I remember more about what Fritz told me about his fascinating life and his kind-heartedness, than I do about his blog advice. But whatever it was, it got the blog rolling. Thank you, Fritz!
So Fritz was quite the renaissance man. He lived on a farm somewhere cold, raised chickens, rode a tractor, and had traveled the world as a photojournalist.
Right there from Panera bread, I called up Fritz and in a few minutes, I had a new friend and pretty soon, a new blog.
It’s now 10 years later, and as I get ready to transition from blogging to podcasting, I thought I would share with you a selection of the many blogs you can find on my website.
Below are some different categories to explore. For more, please feel free to go to the BLOG, have a look, or use the search bar for specific topics.
Nonclinical jobs
Working For Health Insurance – Is This The Dark Side?
Utilization Review Work Part-time and Full-time
Meet the Author of The 50 Nonclinical Careers Book
Medical Writing
Medical Writing: How to Get Started and Make Money
Dr. Gigi Reveals Her True Identity and New Career
Transition Story – Medical Editing and Publishing
Dr. Mandy’s Story – From Sports Medicine to Medical Writer
Physician Stories
Leaving Medicine – Danielle’s Story
Dr. Susan’s Story – A Triumph Over Anxiety
Side gigs
From Fired to Public Speaker – An Anesthesiologist’s Story
A Nonclinical Side Hustle Where You Can Make Money Standing Around
Part-Time Nonclinical Job With Flexibility
Utilization Review Work – Side Gig
Emergency Medicine Physician Transitions Into Teaching
5 Out of The Box Teaching Opportunities
Mini carpe diem process – 5 steps to move forward on your career path
Stage 4 – 5 – Preparation and Execution
Fear vs. Trust in Leaving Medicine
Is COVID Bringing Up Any Guilt In You?
Is This Three-Letter Word Shutting Your Mind Down?
Regret – Is it Your Tormentor or Your Teacher?
Addicted to Perfection – A Surgeon’s Story
Career Nuts and Bolts
Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When Applying For Jobs
5 Key Tips to Jump-Start Your LinkedIn Profile
How Prepared Are You For a Nonclinical Job Interview?
Do I Need a CV or a Resume for a Nonclinical Job?
Negotiating Your Employment Contract
Telemedicine as an Independent Contractor
Three Key Money Questions To Ask Yourself Before….
Personality Type/Enneagram
Burning Out? Recommendations For Your Personality Type
What Are Your Natural Gifts? Is Your Job Making the Most of Them?
Most Common Personality Type for Physicians
Having Trouble Making Decisions? Try This!
I Was a Sick Superman ( Type 8)
For Fun!
Dating Advice For Your Career – My Brother Dave’s Story
I hope you’ve found some good reads to help you in your career journey.
I owe a BIG thank-you to my wonderful blog guests who generously shared their stories and expertise. I also want to give a big shout-out to my mom, Patricia, who has been my “editor-in-chief” since the beginning. I think I missed out on a lot of grammar from switching schools, so her job has not been the easiest.
And lastly, I want to thank all of you who have been such supportive readers. Your comments and encouragement have truly kept me going and made this a great experience.
The podcast will be coming in about a month! And if you’re more of a reader than a listener, there will be show notes to read as well a transcript for every episode.
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Heather, congratulations on the 10 year anniversary of your blog. How exciting! I still can’t thank you enough for your coaching support which has left an indelible impact on my life. Hope you can find a special way to celebrate during this pandemic.
Thanks a million Devki! I really appreciate the support. It was such a joy to get to share in your career journey and get to know you. You have had such a positive impact in my life too. And thank you for your great blog contribution that is listed under “Government.” You’ve done a great job with your transition.