Heather Fork


Episode 90: An Antidote to Stagnation and Boredom – the Portfolio Career

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google While some physicians are ready to fully transition out of clinical practice, others are looking for the best of…

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Episode #89: When the Unbelievable Happens in Residency, a Story of Triumph

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Despite all the hard work and planning, unexpected events can still derail a physician’s career in ways that are…

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Episode #88: Find a New Career Direction by Solving a Problem

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Lots of physicians take on “extracurricular” work in their jobs, often motivated by their desire to solve a problem…

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Episode #87: From Allergist to Interior Designer For Physicians

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Have you ever thought about not just transitioning to a nonclinical career, but actually pursuing a field totally outside…

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Episode #86: Find Great Nonclinical Freelance Opportunities at flipMD

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google When speaking with physicians considering a transition to a nonclinical career, one of the most common concerns I hear…

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Episode #85: From Intern to Fulltime Consultant

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google If you’re early in your career and feeling like clinical medicine isn’t the right path for you, you’re not…

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Episode #84: She Loves Being Employed as a Patient Advocate

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google What if I told you there was a nonclinical career that allowed you to spend your time helping patients…

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Episode #83: Are You Prepared For Your Nonclinical Job Interview?

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Decided on your nonclinical career path? Check. Tuned up your resume? Check. Applied to jobs? Check. Prepared for your…

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Episode #82: Are You In The Right Job For Your Enneagram Personality Type? Part 2

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google In planning a transition to a nonclinical career, have you considered the role your personality plays in choosing the…

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Episode #81: Are you in the right job for your Enneagram personality type? Part 1

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google You likely know many of your personality traits. Are you loyal? A caregiver? A protector?  But have you ever…

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