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You’ve decided you need a change. You may even know what that change should be. But too often doctors fall into a trap that keeps them from making a needed change: the fear of uncertainty. Today’s guest, Dr. Navin Goyal, is here to help you reframe and conquer this common fear. Dr. Goyal is an anesthesiologist who stepped off the well-trodden path of full-time clinical practice to become an author and CEO, and he’s here to share his advice on how to navigate uncertainty and channel its power to help you move forward.
In this episode we’re talking about:
- The uncertainty Dr. Goyal faced in his own career path
- Why doctors are especially prone to choosing certainty
- How facing uncertainty can build resilience and reduce fear
- The ways we already encounter uncertainty in our everyday lives
- How paying attention to what energizes you provides important information
- Using time management to start safely exploring new possibilities
- Why choosing unhappiness over uncertainty can be self-defeating
Links for this episode:
Navin Goyal’s Website – With resources (free course, investment PDF) and contact forms.
Physician Underdog – Leveraging the underdog mentality to move forward by Navin Goyal, MD
Beyond Physician – A free community platform to take courses, earn credentials, and get side gigs.
Check out our Free Resources! Under the Freebie tab on our website, you can find free resource guides on a variety of topics including resumes, interviewing, LinkedIn, medical writing, pharma, chart review, and telemedicine. There is also a starter kit to help you move forward when you’re feeling stuck at the crossroads. Please help yourself right HERE.
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