Heather Fork


Working for Health Insurance – Is This Really the Dark Side?

“Work for a health insurance company? You mean go to the dark side? No thanks!” This is what I hear…

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Do Your Pajamas Spark Joy? And Other Key Career Questions

  I have two questions for you, dear readers, “Do your pajamas spark joy?” And…. “Is there room for your…

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My Trip to the American Medical Writer's Conference

I was recently on the Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas, eating Italian food with two of my clients. We were…

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SEAK Non-Clinical Careers Conference

Last month I was in Chicago at the SEAK Non-Clinical Careers Conference. This is one of my favorite conferences and…

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Look For Clues in What You Already Do

I often ask my clients, “What do you enjoy doing that no one pays you for – but could?” I…

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Locums – Could It Be For You?

“What do you think about my doing some locums? Would that look bad on my CV?” I’m often asked this…

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Lost in the Woods

“Help! Please help me! I am lost in the woods and can’t find my way out.” I hear this plaintive…

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LinkedIn – Your Networking Treasure Chest

I stayed up too late the other night treasure hunting on LinkedIn. I kept saying to myself, “Just one more…

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My Biggest Pearl From 2014 – Can You Guess?

The biggest, shiniest, most powerful pearl I can share with you from 2014 is if you want to succeed in…

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RAPS Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society Conference 2014

I recently attended the RAPS (Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society) conference in Austin, Texas. This was a fascinating eye-opener to the…

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