Heather Fork


Leaving Medicine and Reentry – Know Before You Go!

Hold onto that medical license and keep your stethoscope handy! If you’re thinking about leaving clinical practice, don’t retire that…

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Is Guilt Putting a Monkey Wrench in Your Career Transformation?

There are many kinds of guilt, Catholic Guilt, Jewish Mother Guilt, Generic Parental Guilt, Couch Potato Guilt, Not Feeling Guilty…

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Considering Pharma? Check out the DIA 2017!

Last year was a big year for pharma at the Doctor’s Crossing. Four of my clients landed great jobs in…

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2017 Conferences – Could One Lead You to a Happier Career?

One of the many things I love about my work is getting to attend conferences to explore new career options…

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Parental Pressure to Be a Doctor – Did This Happen To You?

I was lucky. I had parents who never tried to push me into a specific career direction. They held pretty…

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Using Your Internal GPS for Career Change

Is your internal GPS telling you it’s time to change your career direction? Is it saying “Recalculate! Recalculate!” but leaving…

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Showing two doctors consulting

Hot. Getting Hotter. The Physician Advisor Role

Are you stressed by 15-minute patient visits, assembly line medicine and not having a voice? Would you like to use…

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Functional Medicine – Could It Be For You?

  I didn’t set out looking for a Functional Medicine doctor. I wasn’t sure what such doctors do. But that’s…

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Burning Out? Recommendations For Your Personality Type

I really wish I could change the healthcare system so it would stop burning out so many hardworking doctors and…

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I Was A Sick Superman!

We’ve all heard about doctors with a Type A personality, and how these individuals can be workaholics, driving themselves to…

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