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Have you ever wished you were able to help your patients create a healthier lifestyle rather than just treating the diseases that can result from unhealthy habits? Today’s guest, Dr. Heather Hammerstedt, is an ER physician who has been passionate about helping others live healthier lives since before medical school – and now she harnesses the principles of lifestyle medicine to do just that. She’ll discuss what fueled her interest in this area, what lifestyle medicine is, different ways to practice in the field, and how to pursue a career in lifestyle medicine.
In this episode we’re talking about:
- How lifestyle medicine is different from integrative and functional medicine
- What sparked Dr. Hammerstedt’s interest in the field
- Heather’s career path from ER physician to lifestyle medicine coach
- Different lifestyle medicine practice and reimbursement models
- The difference between lifestyle medicine as a physician vs. a coach
- How Dr. Hammerstedt’s company, Wholist, approaches lifestyle coaching
- Ways for you to explore a career in lifestyle medicine
Links for this episode:
Dr. Heather Hammerstedt’s LinkedIn Profile
American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Institute of Lifestyle Medicine
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I could not agree with you more. I have been a physician, board certified neurologist for 30 years. You are right, people want an easy fix. I recall a gentleman, status post stroke who came to see me in my office his hemoglobin a1c was 11. I told him to follow a low glycemic diet, we talked about potential different diets even the South Beach diet. He got very angry at me, gave me a 25 minute dissertation on how a man deserves a goddamn good meal. He died 4 months later of a massive cerebral hemorrhage.
You have to understand, that I have been researching this for years and it is the federal government, our society that puts these ideas into people’s heads. An excellent example is covid. This is a stealth virus, in the same category as epstein-barr, your herpes viruses, HIV and some bacteria such as lime and syphilis. Once you got it, you got it forever. Thanks to this virus being so horny and recording adoptive immunity, which eventually recruits langerhorn cells resulting in autoimmunity of a lot of different kinds which have been posted. Yet, what did the government tell the public? Just get a vaccine and you’ll be fine!oh then you need another vaccine, then another than another……. The proper way to have handed the covid, would have been for Mr biden, to shut down the economy for a month while it was a very very low level that would have decreased or stopped transmission enough to at least control it and keep from becoming endemic. But, politicians always know more. So heaven forbid a virus gets in the way of making money. In the middle east, their God is Allah our God is money. You are not going to change people’s minds. I’m an exactly, I played in the pros for a year, then I get accepted to medical school, play football. I take everything from magnesium, to elemental folate due to my high homocysteine level and being hispanic, vitamin D3 etc. Cannot convince patients do so. I told patients at the beginning of the covid crisis to start taking vitamin d, at least 50,000 units a week, both my patients and on social media and I got really killed and laughed at and called a quack. Welcome to America
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Felix.