Back in 2012, Family Physician Dr. Danielle Gerry wrote about her experience of leaving medicine in an incredibly popular blog post on the Doctor’s Crossing website. In her candid post, she describes how she was feeling very trapped, isolated, and ashamed when it became clear that clinical practice was not sustainable for her. To help others who might be facing a similar situation, she shares 10 steps she used to move forward from the crossroads to a much better place. Her story and advice resonated with a record number of readers, many of whom commented that they felt like she was describing exactly how they felt.
Fast forward almost a decade later, Danielle is loving her life and thriving in her work after transitioning into the nonclinical realm.
I’m reposting her blog here so you can see where she was in 2012 at the beginning of her transition in preparation for her podcast interview with me that’s airing on January 12, 2022. In this upcoming podcast she’s going to tell us how her story unfolded and share a number of lessons she learned from her transition process.
If you haven’t read it already, please enjoy her post from 2012 Leaving Medicine – Danielle’s Story that takes you back to that challenging time at the crossroads and the steps she took to begin moving beyond the darkness
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