Do you wish you could make your passion into your career? Do you long to be excited about your work?
It really is possible. I see this dream come true with my coaching clients and have experienced it in my own life.
You may be thinking, “That may work for some people, but it’s not going to happen to me.”
If you want to find out how, I urge you to watch this short TEDx* talk by Steven Tomlinson, Lead with What you Love. In this 17-minute video, Tomlinson, an economics professor, tells about how he made the bold decision to focus on what he loved, instead of doing what he thought he should in his career and the surprising events that followed. His story illustrates how by allowing things to unfold in life by exploring what you love and trusting that the path will show itself, you can find an even better career than you could imagine.
I love this video. It captures in a humorous and compelling way the approach I often use with my clients. When we focus on what we enjoy and do naturally, we find ways to express our true gifts through our work and our career becomes than a job; it becomes our calling.
To watch the video click here.
If you prefer to read the complete transcript click here.
A special thank you to one of my amazing clients who is leading with what she loves for telling me about this TEDx talk.
*TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talks are given at conferences around the world with the purpose of sharing “ideas worth spreading.” Steven Tomlinson’s talk was a TEDx talk, given at an independent TED event.
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