If you’re having trouble getting out of your comfort zone, it may be because of a loose wire keeping you stuck.
Before I explain further, let’s dive in a bit about the value of getting out of your comfort zone.
If I’m being bold, I’d have to say that your willingness to get out of your comfort zone is the single most important factor in transforming your career.
Or really any part of your life.
The magic happens outside of your comfort zone because you’re expanding into the richness of what’s possible for you. Deep satisfaction doesn’t come from living in the confines of a box or putting limits on who you can be.
It may feel safe to do that, but it’s never deeply satisfying.
The magic comes from giving yourself permission to try new things, developing your talents, and finding fulfillment in knowing your potential is not being wasted.
Is there something you’re wanting to do but you’re having a hard time because it’s out of your comfort zone?
With the physicians I work with, some of the “comfort zone willies” that come up are around:
- Networking
- Public speaking
- Taking a nonclinical job requiring new skills
- Interviewing for a nonclinical job
- Doing something entrepreneurial
For myself, I’m having to face a lot of comfort zone willies in making changes in my business.
Last year I wrote a blog about how I was uncomfortable about what I needed to do to expand my coaching business.
These were things such as be on video, create an online course, start a podcast, have a more personalized website, hire help and let go of doing everything myself.
Fast forward to the present, I have the new website, I am working on an online course, have my new camera equipment, and have hired a virtual assistant. There are also plans in the works for a podcast.
On a personal note, I had to get out of my comfort zone to meet someone new. Maybe more on that later…
Now we’re getting closer to the loose wire part.
So what was the turning point that enabled me to shift from being stuck in the status quo in my business to being willing to face some fears and even consider trying a bunch of new things?
It was when I took this loose wire that was dangling from my head and connected it up to my heart.
When I connected my head to my heart, all those thoughts that were in my head telling me why change would be hard and all the things that could go wrong, were suddenly face-to-face with all the desire in my heart to do something new and exciting.
My heart had a lot to say to my head, such as,
I want to help many more physicians than I can with 1:1 coaching.
I want to have a bigger impact on this epidemic of physician burnout.
I want to give myself a chance to try new things.
I don’t want to feel the sting of regret of not living up to my true potential.
If the wire that connects your head to your heart is loose, what you’re hearing is primarily coming from your head.
It’s easy for the head to take us into fear-based thinking and a lot of what-if thinking – to the negative. We rarely go to what if things worked out well?
The head can get you stuck in analysis paralysis.
Clarity comes from action, (doing what the heart wants) not from analysis.
If that wire from your head is loose how do you reconnect it to your heart?
There are many ways to listen more to your heart, but you can start by giving yourself permission to feel your feelings without judging, censoring, or dismissing them.
The heart knows what it wants. But its voice can be muffled if you have layers of protection around it, have ignored it, are afraid of what it feels, or are too busy to listen to it.
If you want to connect up that loose wire to your heart, here are 5 things you can try:
1 – Do a love dump and write down everything you love, from your favorite ice cream flavor to the people in your life, from your favorite travel destination to a song that really moves you.
2 – Hardwire in an hour each week in your schedule to do something you love to do that you’ve been neglecting, e.g. exercise, talk to a close friend, journal, do art, sing, write, dance, cook, meditate, be in nature, etc.
3 –Do things that make you laugh and smile. Watch comedy, tell some jokes, be silly. Allow yourself to be less serious. Play with your kids or pets.
4 – Write down three things that you would love to do if you weren’t afraid of them not working out.
5 – Take one action step, even if it’s a micro-step towards doing one of those things your heart wants to do. Take this step today.
It’s common to have a tug of war between the head and the heart when they’re getting reconnected, especially when fear-based thinking is going on in the head. But in time, as the connection strengthens, the energy and passion of the heart will help you move out of your comfort zone and your mind will help you figure out the steps.
No need to call an electrician. You’ll feel the electricity flowing in your body, propelling you forward. There may even be some sparks flying.
I’d love to hear how you like these exercises and what you hear from your heart.
Be back soon!
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Heather, this was such an excellent piece. It totally resonates–thank you. I love the analogy of a loose wire.
Skye! You are most welcome It’s funny, the loose wire metaphor came to me as I was writing. It wasn’t anything I had in my brain when I started. I’m glad you liked it. Makes me happy.