Heather Fork


Marriage Counseling: What to do When Only One Person Wants to Go

“Honey, we need to go to marriage counseling.”  Wince.  Grimace.  Silence.  Just hearing those words can make a spouse shut…

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Working From Home Part II – Telemedicine

Imagine it’s 10 am. You’re enjoying a nice cup of coffee.  In a few minutes you will start seeing patients.…

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Working From Home: Part I – Chart Review

I’m hearing from more physicians who want to work part-time from home.  The reasons vary: more time with the kids,…

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Praise For SEAK’s Workshop: How to Find and Land High-Paying Non-Clinical Jobs

Last September I attended SEAK’s Non-Clinical Careers Conference, but missed the workshop,  How to Find and Land High-Paying Non-Clinical Jobs. …

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What's the Difference Between a CV and a Resume?

If you’re like most physicians,  you have the traditional CV as opposed to a resume.  The CV, or curriculum vitae,…

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Interested in Becoming A Coach? Test The Waters First

I love being a coach.  And I keep hearing from other coaches how much they love their work.  A number…

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What’s the Difference Between A Calling and a Job?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the topic of having a “calling” versus a job.  Often when I am working…

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Improving Clinical Practice Today While Looking Ahead to the Future

 I talk to a fair amount of physicians who are frustrated with their current job situation.   Many are curious about…

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Knowing One's Personality Type Can Help in Career Selection

I was in a coffee shop the other day and couldn’t help overhearing a conversation that sounded like an informal…

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You Shouldn't Have To Sell Your House To Change a Habit!

  It’s 4:30 am and I am running around the house making sure it is CLEAN and TIDY before I…

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