Heather Fork

Rocket blasting off

5 key tips to jump start your LinkedIn profile!

When you think about networking on LinkedIn do you feel a bit of dread? Would you prefer to not have…

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What changed for me at the SEAK Nonclinical Careers Conference?

This was my 10th year at the SEAK Nonclinical Career conference in Chicago. I attend SEAK every October to mentor…

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Are you being weak if you leave medicine or slow down?

I received an email update from one of my clients who’s an Emergency Medicine physician. After almost a decade of…

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Are you being selfish or "self-full?"

The other day one of my clients who’s an OB/Gyn physician opened our coaching call with a statement that made…

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Regret – Is it your tormentor or teacher?

I’ve been thinking a lot about regret lately. Some of you, I know, are struggling with regret related to your…

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Nonclinical job in a telehealth start-up

Today I have the pleasure of introducing Dr. Tzvi Doron, a family practice physician who transitioned into a dynamic role…

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What's at the root of your physician burnout?

If you’re suffering from physician burnout, do you know what’s at the root of it? Is it too many patient…

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Nonclinical career salaries for physicians

In this blog, I’m responding to a question from a female internist in Delaware who asked, How big is the…

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New Physician Career Transition Posse Member Dr. Kay!

I’m very honored and excited to introduce our third member of The Physician Career Transition Posse – the one, the…

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Dating advice for your career – my brother's story

When my little brother Dave does something, I pay attention. Not just to what he does, but HOW he does…

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