Heather Fork

brain and heart - physician's crossing comfort zone

Do you have a loose wire keeping you stuck?

If you’re having trouble getting out of your comfort zone, it may be because of a loose wire keeping you…

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What exactly does a medical monitor do?

Pharma can be very confusting when you’re exploring nonclinical jobs. What exactly does a medical monitor do? How about a…

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Telemedicine as an independent contractor – an option for 2020?

In my recent blog, Could telemedicine be for you? I shared an interview with internist Dr. Adonis Saremi about his…

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What is your natural gift set? Are you owning it?

Specifically, what are your natural gifts you bring to your career and life? I find that a lot of my…

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Could telemedicine be for you?

Earlier this week I had a doctor’s appointment – in the privacy of my own home! This was my first…

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New job sign

Transitioning from medicine – Dr. Jennifer Spector's story

Physicians often ask me, “How long does it take to transition to a nonclinical career?”  My answer is always, it…

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How do you do with acknowledgment and gratitude?

Last week I was backing out of my garage, heading for the gym. I was almost to the end of…

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What doesn't feel like the right fit for you?

Is there something in your life that doesn’t feel like the right fit? Sometimes what we’re doing is not a…

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3 key money questions to ask yourself before a career change

When I was running my derm practice and questioning my career path, I met with a guy I’ll call “Mr.…

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Having trouble networking on LinkedIn? Try this.

All dressed up and nowhere to go. Is this your LinkedIn profile? You’ve put in the time to get your…

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