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Have you ever wanted to pursue a passion but felt like something was holding you back? This is common among physicians and my guest today, Dr. Debra Blaine, is here to discuss how to conquer common obstacles we perceive to be standing in the way of pursuing our passion. Dr. Blaine is a family medicine physician and fiction novelist who will share the benefits of following a passion, how to make time for this, why indulging in a passion can be difficult for physicians, and what to do if you haven’t identified your passion yet.
In this episode we’re talking about:
- How attending a writing conference inspired Dr. Blaine to get started
- Why writing provided Debra with an outlet for her work stress
- The unexpected benefits of following your passion
- How to find the time to pursue your passion
- What to do if you don’t feel passionate about anything
- Viewing failure as a learning opportunity
- Why physicians have trouble engaging with their passion
Links for this episode:
Dr. Debra Blaine’s website – Learn more about Debra’s 3 books as well as her Mindset Coaching Services for physicians. Dr. Blaine is also available to coach aspiring writers at all stages, and offers authors an easy guide to quality self-publishing.
Check out our Free Resources! Under the Freebie tab on our website, you can find free resource guides on a variety of topics including resumes, interviewing, LinkedIn, medical writing, pharma, chart review, and telemedicine. There is also a starter kit to help you move forward when you’re feeling stuck at the crossroads. Please help yourself!
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