Heather Fork


Spit If You Think You Have Burnout!

But let me duck first! Your saliva may predict whether or not you might be at high risk for burnout,…

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Tweaked Out By Twitter? How to Get Started in 11 minutes!

I’ve been a bit of a heel-dragger on this Twitter thing.  My mind would rebel, “Aren’t Facebook, LinkedIn and blogging…

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Social Media's Leading Physician Voice – KevinMD

Kevin Pho, MD How did a primary care physician from Nashua, New Hampshire, become social media’s leading physician voice? Simply…

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Considering a Career Change? Here's A Great Starter Book

One of my first recommendations to clients wanting non-clinical work is to read Mike McLaughlin’s book, Do You Feel Like…

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Help For The Shy Networker

When I was a kid, I was so shy around strangers that my mom would give me “anti-shyness” exercises.  She…

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Before Making Big Changes, Prepare Your Launching Pad!

If you’re considering making any significant career changes in the next several years, you can get a head start by…

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Are Your Writing Talents Gathering Dust?

Pop Quiz- What do Anton Chekhov, Michael Crichton, Atul Gawande, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle all have in common? If…

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Don't Get Stuck On The Merry Go Round – Set Your Goals For 2011!

Ahh…. The New Year…. Hope always seems to burn brighter at the beginning of the year.   It’s as if…

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Free Gifts: Gratitude and Appreciation

Several months ago, I was preparing for a talk at a local medical society entitled, Maintaining Professional Boundaries, and the…

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Is What Other People Think Holding You Back?

“What you think about me is none of my business.” Saying these words is a piece of cake.  But actually…

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