Heather Fork


2013 Conferences for Non-Clinical Careers

  With the New Year upon us, now is a great time to look into any conferences you’d like to…

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Help For The Reluctant Negotiator

  If you’re like a lot of physicians, negotiating for yourself isn’t something that you like to do or feel…

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Thanksgiving Wishes To You

To my dear clients and readers, I send my sincere wishes that this time of Thanksgiving be a very special…

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Don't Let Anxiety Run Away With You

It’s Sunday night.  You’re trying to enjoy the last shreds of the weekend.  But you’re beginning to feel that dread…

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Susan's Story: A Surgeon's Triumph Over Anxiety

Can anxiety be severe enough to cause a physician to leave medicine?  Absolutely.  I know a number of physicians who…

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Volunteering Abroad – Is This On Your Must Do List?

I’d never worked so hard on a vacation before, but neither had I ever come home feeling so energized and…

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Confusion is Par For the Course in Career Change

If you’re contemplating what to do with your career and feeling confused, you’re in good company.  I talk to a…

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Valentine's Day Post: Why I Love My Work

  More often than not, when I’m working with a client, I hear a little voice in my head.  The…

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What Are Your Natural Gifts? Is Your Job Making the Most of Them?

What comes naturally to us, we often take for granted.  We may think there is nothing special about our abilities…

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"How Far Has Your Bottle Gone?"

  I’ve been thinking a lot about this question of where I am in life in terms of what I…

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