Ahh…. The New Year…. Hope always seems to burn brighter at the beginning of the year. It’s as if we get to move our playing piece to START, we’re given a bunch of shiny tokens, and we have a chance to win again! Last year may have been a good year, but we want this one to be even better, to kick it up a notch, to – dare we dream it? – be the best year ever!
Last January I held a 2010 Goal Planning Workshop in my community. Having never done this before, I had no idea what to expect. Everyone seemed very eager to make 2010 different, and not let their resolutions evaporate like champagne bubbles. The highlight of the workshop involved each person taking a turn in front of the group and stating what major changes he or she would commit to for the upcoming year. There was something quite powerful it seemed, in making the commitment out loud, with others to witness, and cheer in support.
One participant, who took her commitment quite seriously, offered to share how her circumstances changed after the workshop. Rebecca (not her real name), was in her early 30’s, had been spending too much time in volunteer work that left her emotionally drained and irritable, and was struggling to make an income.
“One year ago I was stuck in a pattern of playing the victim,” she said. “I was thinking that someone else needed to provide for me. I realized at your workshop that all of my goals were dependent on one major goal – being self-sufficient financially. Your workshop helped me to put on paper what was rolling around in my head. I decided that my first step was to improve my financial situation. It didn’t take me very long to find a great job once I made it a priority… In my job I get to help others and stretch my mind to new heights… I just purchased my first house – all this in less than one year!”
Rebecca turned her life around this past year in a most impressive way. What she said about putting on paper what was rolling around in her head is a key to achieving goals and problem-solving. So often we spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about our problems and wishing things were different. But it is hard to get very far riding the merry-go-round of the mind. Round and round we go, and not too much changes. And it can make us dizzy.
Yet, if we will take a little time to sit on the bench, let the merry-go-round take a few turns without us, we can actually get somewhere with our goals and resolutions. With my clients, we create written goals, have concrete steps, and set a time frame. Goals are connected to values and how to live life. What do you want for you life? Who do you want to be for yourself and for others?
As a special opportunity for the New Year, I am offering individual Goal Planning Sessions during January and February. You don’t need to be a coaching client, you can schedule for one or two sessions and start creating your best year ever! Now is the perfect time.
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