

Episode #182: How to Negotiate Like A Boss! Advice From An Expert with guest Kyle Claussen

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Episode #181: CDI – A great opportunity for physicians with and without US residency

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google 🎙 Download the transcript This week we are exploring Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) with Dr. Cesar Limjoco, a veteran…

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Episode #180: AI in Healthcare – How It’s Being Used And Opportunities For Physicians Part 2

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google 🎙 Download the transcript In this week’s episode, Dr. Ramin Rafie is back to dive deeper into the realm…

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Episode #179: AI in Healthcare – How It’s Being Used And Opportunities For Physicians Part 1

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google 🎙 Download the transcript Welcome to today’s episode, where we embark on the first part of a two-part series…

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Episode #178: The hard decision to do residency or not – an MD graduate’s success story

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google 🎙Download the Transcript In this episode, we explore the journey of Dr. Danielle Torres, who faced the daunting decision…

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EPISODE #177: From Urology to A Highly Successful Med Spa & Aesthetics Practice

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google 🎙 Download the transcript In medicine, the path to fulfillment and success isn’t linear or confined within the walls…

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Episode #176: How Having A Special Needs Child Led To a Great Career With Flexibility

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google 🎙 Download the transcript If you’re a physician dreaming of more flexibility in your career, then you’re in for…

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Episode #175: Are You In A Toxic Work Environment? Suffer No More Part 2

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google 🎙 Download the transcript This week we’re diving into the second part of our series on toxic work environments.…

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Episode #174: Are You In A Toxic Work Environment? Suffer No More Part 1

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google 🎙 Download the transcript Have you ever navigated through the murky waters of a toxic work environment, and felt…

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Episode #173: You Don’t Need To See Where You’re Going To Move Forward. A Physician Finds A Great Surprise On The Other Side Of The Fog At The Crossroads.

iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Google 🎙 Download the transcript Ever found yourself at a crossroads, wondering if there’s more to your career than meets…

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