Your Quiz Results Are In!

Your Next Step Towards Career Happiness is…

A Career Shift


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I've got some fantastic news.


Your quiz results are in, and guess what? You're ready for a significant change – we're talking about hanging up that white coat to adventure beyond clinical practice!

This result means it’s time to take all that incredible knowledge, experience, and skill you've gained as a physician and apply it in fresh, innovative ways.

Maybe you're dreaming of a non-clinical role in healthcare or itching to try something completely different – like opening that coffee shop you've been pondering for a while.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Clinical is all I know. How do I even begin this next step?" I get it. You're probably feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety right now. That's totally normal!

This journey will help you rediscover your passion with a renewed sense of purpose and – dare I say it – less anxiety, reduced burnout, more time, and way better sleep!

You'll make a difference in ways you might never have imagined, with better work-life balance and feeling a new sense of fulfillment. Now that's what I call a win-win!


Why A Non-Clinical Career Shift?

Let's have a heart-to-heart for a second.

I sense that clinical practice has left you feeling drained, burnt out, or simply unfulfilled.

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Sound Familiar? I Get It!


Maybe you constantly worry about patients, feel trapped by late-night charting, burnt out by heavy going hours, feel guilty about the time you can’t spend with family, or just know deep down that your talent could be used in entirely different ways.

You've probably been mulling over this decision for a while, weighing all the pros and cons and maybe even catastrophizing a bit (been there, done that!) But here's the thing – that same cautiousness that makes you an excellent clinician can also be your superpower in making this transition.

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Many physicians come to me feeling exactly the same way. They're ready to close the clinical practice door and open a new one—whether that leads to a non-clinical healthcare role or a completely different career path.

Imagine waking up on a Monday morning, actually looking forward to your workday.

Picture yourself working on a cutting-edge research project at a pharma company or planning out a medical article in the comfort of your own home in your pj’s.

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Maybe you're heading to a health tech startup to revolutionize patient care through AI or prepping for a day of medical consulting where you'll make a difference without the pressure of direct patient care.

Heck, you might even be unlocking the doors to your very own coffee shop. The possibilities are endless.

And the best part is no more sleepless nights worrying about missed diagnoses or malpractice suits. Just you, using your incredible skills to make an impact in ways that light you up. Sounds pretty amazing.

Remember, your value isn't just in your medical knowledge –

It's in your problem-solving skills, work ethic, ability to perform under pressure, and so much more. These are invaluable in any career!


So, without further ado… 

Here's Your 3-Step Strategy To Leave Clinical For Career Happiness And Ultimate Fulfilment

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Step #1: Know Yourself

Alrighty, let's start with some good old self-reflection. Take a hard look at your skills, values, and what really lights you up. Take an Enneagram Personality test to get to know yourself better.

But also, be practical – what are your financial needs? Any contractual obligations you need to consider?

This step is all about understanding where you are and what you're working with. Don't just run away, run towards something.

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Step #2: Explore Your Options

Now for the fun part – this is where you begin to explore your options to leave clinical. But hold your horses, we're not just throwing darts at a board here. It’s important to get curious, but do it with a filter.

Use what you learned about yourself in Step 1 to guide you. Maybe you're drawn to medical writing, or health tech is calling your name. Perhaps you're dreaming of opening that beachside B&B.

Whatever it is, research it thoroughly. Talk to people in the field, and shadow them if you can. Your analytical skills are a superpower here – use them!

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Step #3: Plan Your Exit Strategy

Okay, you've done the introspection, you've explored options, now it's time to make a plan. This is about creating a thoughtful, strategic exit. Maybe you start with a side gig to test the waters.

Perhaps you need to take some courses or get certifications in your new field. Consider how you'll transition your patients. And don't forget about those financial plans we talked about earlier.

Remember, your cautious nature is an asset here – use it to create a solid plan, but don't let it paralyze you.


Get Yourself A Physician Transition Coach

Leaving clinical practice is a big move, Doc. Exciting? Absolutely. Daunting? You bet. That's where I come in.

With my CARPE DIEM Process, we'll navigate this new terrain together. Need a Yoda? A drill sergeant? A warm blanket? I'm your physician transition coach.

Think of me as your trusted colleague who's been guiding physicians like you for 12 years. We'll turn those "what ifs" into "why nots" and create a game plan that fits you perfectly. No fluff, just genuine support to make this transition easy and light.


Hi, I’m Heather – A Physician Career Strategist & Certified Coach

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As a former dermatologist who ran my practice for nine years, I've walked more than a few miles in those white coat shoes. From the outside, my career looked like a success story—lovely patients, a full schedule, and a thriving practice. But something was missing.

I didn't look forward to my days. The demanding schedule and administrative burdens left me craving change. Sound familiar?

After trying everything to rekindle my passion—from restructuring my practice to cutting back patient load—I made a bold move. I sold it all and moved to a tiny cabin in the Texas Hill Country to figure out my next chapter.

That's when I discovered my true calling. I became a certified coach, earning my credentials from the Coaches Training Institute and my Master Certified Coach (MCC) designation from the International Coach Federation.

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For the past 12 years, I've been helping physicians like you find fulfillment in their careers by expanding their professional portfolios, getting the flexibility they want, and supporting their journey from clinical to non-clinical.

Whether you're looking to add some side gigs, explore non-clinical roles, or just inject some variety into your medical career, I get it. I'm here to show you that creating a diverse and satisfying career is 100% possible—it's a step-by-step process.

You don't have to have it all figured out. That's what I'm here for. Let's work together to expand your professional portfolio and create a career that truly aligns with your values, interests, and lifestyle goals.

Truth is — you don't have to have it all figured out. That's what I'm here for. Let's work together to reignite your passion for medicine and build the confidence you need to thrive.


And now for the Encore...

I've got some goodies for you! Here are some resources to help you move out of clinical today.

Physician Transition Starter Kit

A “must have” when you’re questioning your career path.

This 25-page guide answers many of your questions about career transition, nonclinical options, and how to just get started

Listen to Podcast

5 Ways To Get Out Of Analysis Paralysis And Get Unstuck At A Career Crossroads

Learn how to conquer decision fatigue, silence your inner critic, reframe fear, and take micro-steps toward non-clinical solutions for career fulfillment.

Read blog

How To Combat The Cave Of Shame Around Leaving Medicine.

Explore why physicians feel shame when contemplating career changes. Learn to overcome guilt, challenge "should" thinking, and embrace authentic choices without judgment.


P.S This Is Just The Beginning

Hey, before you go! Keep an eye on your inbox, okay? I'll be sending you more of my best tips, tricks, and strategies to help you navigate moving away from clinical (while addressing all those "what ifs" your mind is probably conjuring up right now).

Because it’s about time you feel more fulfilled with less burnout.

If you're ready to discuss how to make these changes in your specific situation one-on-one, you can book a consultation with me below. I would love to meet you and help you chart your course to a more diverse, flexible, and fulfilling career!

I would love to meet you and help you plan your plan for a fulfilling non-clinical career!

Remember, you've got this! And I'm here to support you every step of the way.

If you're ready to chat one-on-one about how to make these changes in your specific situation (and maybe get some reassurance that you're not crazy for considering this next step), you can book a consultation with me below. 
